Wednesday, March 28

Lambaian bumi Sakura

Rasa ingin bermonolog dalam blog ini.
Ketika jari-jemari ini menari di atas keyboard, saya sedang membuat persediaan terakhir untuk ke Embassy Japan di Kota Kinabalu. 

Insha Allah esok saya akan ke sana untuk permohonan VISA bagi memasuki negeri matahari terbit itu.
Tekad untuk meneruskan kelana ilmu jauh ke Negara Sakura perlukan kepada mujahadah. 

Tambah pula mujahid saya, Ahmad Yassin Nasrullah mungkin tidak akan mengekor Abinya buat masa terdekat ini. 
Uminya? Ya.. Umminya mahu tidak mahu perlu habiskan housemanship selama 2 tahun. Natijahnya, saya akan ke sana seorang diri. Tinggallah insan-insan tercinta di Malaysia buat sementara.
Hmmm…. Agak berat. Agak payah. Besar cabarannya berjauhan sebegitu rupa. Jika selama ini saya duduk di bawah bayu dan ulang-alik ke KL, tapi mungkin bila berada di Negara Sakura tidak mungkin untuk kerap balik ke Malaysia. Kata seorang rakan yang dah duduk di sana, ‘Kalau supervisor workaholic, setiap masa student mesti ada di makmal!’. Dahsyat..
Kenapa mesti Jepun?
Boleh saja kelana ilmu ini dibuat di Malaysia. Kan banyak universiti yang ada di KL? Bersepah! Ujar beberapa rakan yang kurang setuju saya mengembara dan terpaksa berjauhan dengan isteri dan anak.
Banyak kali saya bertanya dengan Ummu Ahmad, ‘Sayang, setuju ke abang ke Jepun?’. 

‘Abang… Saya percaya apa yang abang buat, apapun keputusan abang, sayang tetap setuju dan redha. Sebab sayang tahu, abang pergi bukan saja-saja nak pergi ke sana. Tapi abang nak dapatkan sesuatu yang lebih “berharga” dari segulung skrol phd..’
Alhamdulillah.. Saya menarik nafas lega.  
Syukur padaMu ya Allah kerana mengurniakan isteri yang memahami hingga ke fikrah suaminya.
Saya memberitahu kepada diri, kalau sekadar nak pergi Negara sakura untuk berbangga-bangga, berjalan-jalan, atau melancong ke negeri orang ataupun sekadar hanya untuk meraih segulung ijazah phd, lebih baik TAK PAYAH!
Sebab tiada bezanya kita buat phd di Malaysia. Ya, buat doktoral kos di IPT Malaysia pun boleh dapat phd. So, kenapa nak pegi jauh-jauh??
MAKA, matlamat ke negeri orang itu kena luas.. Jangan look forward only for your phd!
Di sana antaranya kita boleh belajar nilai-nilai budaya yang menyebabkan si bangsa mata sepet ini dipandang oleh seluruh dunia. 

Begitu juga rakan-rakan yang sudah menadah kitab di Germany, di New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, USA dan etc. Moga anda balik dan berkongsi dengan 1001 kebaikan for our nation... Not only for a scroll of phd.
Saya berjanji kepada diri instead of doing phd, saya nak buat personal research tentang Japan and Japanese yang mudah-mudahan boleh membantu untuk pembangunan tamadun kita di Malaysia nanti insha Allah.
Kita bina semula ‘Dasar Pandang Ke Timur’ yang sudah terkubur….
Allahu Akbar!

Wednesday, March 21

For the Young Lecturers...


Today can be considered as one of the brightest day of my life because Allah S.W.T. gave me a life again to breath and feel the air. Not many people see all days as the brightest day but to me, everyday is a new life to consider where new knowledge, experience, relationship between yourself and family and many other things will be improved.

Well, let us talk about publishing your paper to a conference and journal.

As you can see, many talks about conferences and journals.

For those who still in earlier stage of research, they might consider to send their paper to so called low “high impact” journal where as some might good and excellent in explain things in different manner might send to high “high impact” journal.

Many still want to publish their paper to a conference as right now conference become trends to be like two in one. For example, there are few conferences that stated that “best paper will be published in one of the following journals…”.

So, you will have a conference paper and then the journal committee will ask you to give different name for your paper and prepare a 30% different than the conference paper in order to be published in their journal.

It happens a lot today but it is a great thing to make their journal database bigger and has large audience access for researchers and academicians.

How high impact journal is getting “high”?


Even a Malaysia local journal can become high impact journal in this world

The strategy must be used upon that.

First, let say 20 researchers published their paper in their local journal. They maintained a frequent at least twice a year journal submission.

Then, another year come and these 20 researchers had their own students and begin citing their own paper but always not to include their supervisors name. Supervisors just want them to put their own name and their friends but citing supervisors paper.

Next, supervisor prepare a visit to various country all over the world and ask for the committee members in order to make their local journal “international”. At least 30% of them must be international level. Simple, just shoot out an email and ask them politely and give them few benefits such as come to visit Malaysia and we prepare this and this for them. Or maybe they will accept the invitation for free as this can be included in their CVs.

Now, maintain the following steps for few years let say for 3 and 4 years and them the impact will grow up and citation increase.

Now, your journal becoming international standard and has high impact value.

Cool strategy that has been used by many countries. It is just a simple tasks. It started with student cited their supervisors paper and the trends begin.

So, for the new researcher out there.

Just follow the trend and remember to cite local journal paper a lot compared to the conference paper.

By then, you will improve your local journal and help them. Remember to always plan with your fellow researchers. Right now it is not a time to do research all by yourself. You need to plan. You can even have eight (8) journal paper by making only two paper. How?

You have 4 friends who did researches in your area and then you put all their name and they put yours. Twice a year with an eight (8) journals.

Simple as that.

Just a thought by myself.

Don’t do alone, but do it in team – that is the trend.

Thank you.